BYOD Permission Note (doc 158 KB)
Uniform Policy (pdf 381 KB)
Social Networking App Music (pdf 123 KB)
NAPLAN online (pdf 154 KB)
Emergency Contact Update (pdf 95 KB)
Seesaw Messaging Policy (pdf 43 KB)
Term 1 Calendar 2022 (pdf 137 KB)
Scripture Note 2022 (pdf 182KB)
Parent letter K - 2 Syllabus (pdf) 150KB
K-2 Syllabus information session (pdf) 179KB
Bathurst Camp Note (PDF 108kb)
Union Cycliste International Road World Championship (PDF 301kb)
Tell them from me survey: student survey (PDF 150KB)
Tell them from me: student survey non consent form (PDF 145kb)
K-2 Nan Tien Temple excursion (PDF 208KB)
Dance2bfit concert tickets (PDF 263 KB)
Dance2bfit Student collection organisation (PDF 206KB)
Year 6 Graduation update (PDF 139KB)
Stage 3 Water fun afternoon (PDF 211KB)
End of year celebrations play on sports prgarm (PDF 152KB)
General permission to publish (pdf 223kb)
Welcome BBQ and meet the teacher (pdf 925kb)
Living Ripples Wellbeing Launch (pdf 155kb)
High Potential and Gifted Class (HPAG) Year 5 (pdf 164kb)
Parent teacher interviews (pdf 127kb)